
· 铝扣板厂家,铝扣板吊顶,铝扣板贴图,铝扣板

  明骨方型扣板天花吊顶系统板面平整,棱线分明,吊顶系统规整、大方、典雅、视野开阔。白色的明骨可使天花吊顶从视角上连成整体,黑色的明骨将板块进行 分格,线条明快,铝扣板吊顶,立体感更强。明骨方型扣板天花吊顶系统具备阻燃、防腐、防潮的优...

品牌 欧之杰
总量 不限
包装 不限
物流 货运及物流
交货 按订单


  明骨方型扣板天花吊顶系统板面平整,棱线分明,吊顶系统规整、大方、典雅、视野开阔。白色的明骨可使天花吊顶从视角上连成整体,黑色的明骨将板块进行 分格,线条明快,铝扣板吊顶,立体感更强。明骨方型扣板天花吊顶系统具备阻燃、防腐、防潮的优点,而且装拆方便,每件板均可独立拆装,方便施工和维护、清洁。对有吸声要求的顶棚,铝扣板厂家,可选用穿孔板或按设计规定在吊顶构造中敷设玻璃棉毡等吸声保温材料。也可在穿孔板背面覆加一层吸音棉纸或黑色阻燃棉布,能够达到一定的吸声标准

Clip-in Ceiling is a kind of a large rectangle composed of numerous small ones with distinct edges and lines. Because of fall between gusset plates and fillets are fine and dense, the whole ceiling looks regular, graceful, elegant, deluxe, and open. The inner-ridged square gusset ceiling has many merits, for example, non-combustible, anticorrosion, and damp-proof. As every gusset plate can be installed and dismantled inpidually, it is very convenient to install and maintain. When it is necessary to change and clean the ceiling,铝扣板贴图, the user can employ a magnetic suction cup or a special plate dismantler to take out gussel paltes. As for the sound absorptive ceiling,铝扣板, perforated paltes or glass cotton felt or other sound absorptive and heat-preservation materials can be add to the ceiling, Of course, a layer of sound absorptive cotton paper or black flame-retardant cotton cloth also can be add which is also of same effect.
